Journey of the Homunculus

FalseIncarnate’s Compo entry for LD44: “Your life is currency”

A homunculus is a tiny person, given life by alchemy or magic with the blood of their master. Guide the journey of this small creature as it seeks its freedom from the tiny world it has been trapped in, collecting health along the way to survive and thrive. 

How to play:

Use WASD to move the homunculus about the world, seeking the exit to complete the level. Along the way you'll encounter various obstacles you must overcome that seek to end your journey and keep you trapped for eternity. When you encounter a shop, you can spend a portion of your collected health to grow new upgrades, using E to make your purchase when standing upon the upgrade in the shop.

Complete all 25 levels to be released from your tiny prison, overcoming obstacles and rival homunculi along your journey!

Additional Notes:

While I wasn't quite a fan of the theme for this Ludum Dare, I still participated and created this game according to the theme. With simplistic graphics and mechanics, this game shouldn't pose too large a challenge for players, but still will take a bit of thinking and reflexes to beat. 

Should you run out of health, the game over screen will display a random hint that potentially may assist your future attempts. The first few levels act as a sort of tutorial, introducing controls and game-play before letting the player loose to overcome the rest of the game on their own.

Please report any notable bugs so I can fix them in future updates. You can post them here in comments, but a Github issue report would be fantastic if you are able! The Github also contains downloadable versions of the game and source code if you wanted to try making your own levels in Unity2D.

Github Link:

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